In a parallelogram ABCDABCDABCD, the bisectors of AAA and BBB intersect at SSS, BBB and CCC at RRR, CCC and DDD at QQQ and DDD and AAA at PPP. What kind of a quadrilateral is PQRSPQRSPQRS?



Step by Step Explanation:
  1. The situation given in the question is represented by the figure below.
    A B D C P Q R S
  2. We are given that ABCDABCDABCD is a parallelogram. DCABDCABDCAB Also, as the adjacent angles of a parallelogram are supplementary, we have [Math Processing Error] Similarly, PQR=90,QRS=90,PQR=90,QRS=90, and PSR=90PSR=90.

    Thus, PQRSPQRS is a quadrilateral each of whose angles is 9090.
    Hence, PQRSPQRS is a rectanglerectangle.

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